Thursday, January 29, 2009

Creating Meaning in the Classroom

1. Understand the core goals of the subject being taught.
Ask yourself: How will teaching this subject make my students better, more productive beings?  What are the IMPORTANT understandings that students should get from this lesson?

2. Develop a series of interconnected activities/lessons that will best teach those core goals in the most meaningful way possible. 
    Can students contribute to or create a project that will affect their community while internalizing effectively the core goals?
    Must be interesting to students, scaffolded, applicable their unique backgrounds and 
allow for creativity.

3. Create a rubric for an assessment/s (can be integrated into #2). 
    Culminating activity should be meaningful and enduring.
    Students should have access to rubric throughout the process of creating their            culminating project. 

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas here. Developing a brief example like those in the Partnership for 21st Century Skills reading for this week (on Social Studies) would help the readers get a better sense of what you have in mind.
